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Allison Bottke and Chris Smith on Christmas Day 2011


My Mom and me on Christmas Day 2011… AT CHURCH!

Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe it’s 2012 and that I’ve been living on the outside for almost two years. Sorry I have not posted for awhile, but I moved into my own apartment in October and I don’t have easy access to Internet.

Yep, that’s right, I HAVE MY OWN APARTMENT! YA-HOO!

Don’t get me wrong, it was okay hanging out with my Mom for awhile, but all those boundaries were killing me (ha-ha)!

As soon as I can afford it I’ll get connected online, but for now I’m going to take a temporary leave from the Bad Guy Goes Good blog. But hey, my Mom just launched a brand new Setting Boundaries Books website and SANITY Support blog and you can go there to keep up-to-date on wassup. I’m going to post something from time-to-time on her blog and in her newsletter so make sure to subscribe to that.

Mom also has some Setting Boundaries SANITY Support groups scheduled for the DFW area starting in February so I might be helping out at her book table. Did I ever post the photo of the first time I worked at one of her events? It was so cool to meet some of you there. Here’s the photo below.

Helping my Mom at a Setting Boundaries book signing

Until we meet again hang in there, stay safe, and God bless you!

Chris (aka: Bad Guy Goes Good)


PS: If you post a comment please be patient until I can get online, k? Thanx!

Apr.9th 20101

Well this is nothing nice. I wish I could tell u that life is bowl of oranges but some of got the pits. In the last few weeks I have had surgery and I waited so long for the surgery it did nerve damage to my nerve on my leg. It’s nothing nice. I had my SSI hearing on March 23.i did not get a answer and was told me it would take a few weeks to hear from them…it’s always hurry up and wait !! The lord id truly testing me. I think of Job and his trials…to be honest it does help but I’m scared to take on those trials…I have 56 months clean and I came to relive…If I wanted to get high, it’s not possible, I know no one who uses and I don’t even knee where to score and I thank the lord for that. My mom has truly blessed me and I keep it going one day at a time…even a second a day…I get so depressed and just get lost…I do know the lord does have a plan for me. That is what keeps me going everyday…

I wish I could tell you how to fix you and yours…but I can’t and it pains me to say so. I’m 39 and I took the lord in my life and I hit bottom several. Times I bounced and bounced a few more times…I believe you have to let your love ones live to the best of their own drum…and to be 100% real some might make it .I know this is  not a good subject but you cannot  lead a horse to water and make him drink

I don’t know if my words mean anything …I right about how I feel and  I write as I see it..


Well this is for all who are out there still living in the dark…

I was once lost and I found my way…let me say it was no easy thing. I hit bottom and bounced again and again…a lot of people say they are waiting for their loved one to hit bottom, but the reality is bottom is different for all who survive the fall. As for me I spent many years in and out of prison and at the age of 30 I started thinking I need to slow down…And I still went to prison. What I’m saying is if you have a loved one who still walks with the devil. Let him travel on his road…this might be hard to do but you are not going to change their life. There comes a time when that person will get on the right path. I wish I could tell you a miracle cure but I can’t…love him and be there for him…only if you see the changes…changes that last awhile for you to build trust. We as addicts can and will lie cheat and steal…most addicts I know and have seen that there master manipulators. Do not forget that…Your love one must prove that he is doing well. The big book of AA. Says we are a day away from using…I have over 4 years clean from drugs and the Lord has delivered me from my addictions today…you are by no means alone. This country makes so much money on the prison. And they account on re-offenders.

I truly wish I could tell you more but the message is pray and ask the Lord to help your son/daughter. Find his way home alive…

Wrote this poem in Prison on 11/7/07 1:27am.



Looking threw the bars

Looking out the open fields so near but yet so far.

Wondering about my friends out there

What there doing now.

Wishing I could be with them today.

My strength is my memories of yesterday

I keep them close I keep them near.

I keep them, to keep down the fear.

For every day I awake and pray

For the Lord to take my soul away.

I know life with him is much better than life behind theses walls,

I know someday he will take me away

I pray that day will come today.

But if not I’ll do my best

And wait another day.

And listen for him to say

I’m taking you away today my friend.

Because today is the end.

Well good day all,

I have not been on top of my Blog for a bit…I flew back to MN. To visit. It was great to get away and see my 9 year old son Connor…Things went well I did not do too much because of the weather 27 below..But it was ok I spent a lot of time with my son. It was kind of a worry of mine to go back to MN. That’s where I was in prison and I did not want to run into any old friends so I went in on the down low…


Well I am grateful for the holy spirit for keeping me on track  I’m still clean and have no urge to use and my trip was proof that for today I will not use ever again !!


I got to meet in person a couple that has been writing me for a couple of years…they are a blessing to me and there  very secure in there Faith. We went out to eat and it was a blessed day.


I’m still struggling with my anxieties and depression but it is what it is…I’m trying to get over it; My DR. put me on meds. I was always against meds but they seen to be working. If you have any reservations on taking meds…I say try it, it can’t hurt…

The Lord has blessed me in so many ways…I’m a new person. And it feels good.

Last week I went to my parole officers and I can’t tell you how great it was not to be scared and tripping out hoping I did not get a UA  or her finding out I was up to no good, And believe me I’m not a new bee..I have done parole hiding things but these past 11 months I have nothing to worry about…no sweat seeing my Parole office…She told me I’m her last worry…that really made my day…It’s such a good feeling to not have to lie and watch my back. I pray every one on Parole can feel the same way…It’s not easy but I surround myself with positive people and support groups

Sometimes a person starts to think too much, I can think about a pencil long enough for it to become the biggest deal in my life. I don’t know about you but this can be very hard and most difficult to get over. I know I hold the keys to my future but sometimes the past just does not want to fade from my memories. The lord knows this to, so I tend to think that he does not want me to move forward till I resolve these past issues. I have had quite a colorful background and have done many of things and hurt many of people in my travels. I just used to do what I wanted with no care of anyone but myself. I’m trying to change that but it troubles me late at night when my mind wonders and my night mares kick in…it’s like I cannot get away from them I’m haunted with the old times and don’t know how to move beyond them…I try getting in my bible and it calms the demon inside of me for a bit but then the devil climbs to the top and tries to gnaw threw my wall of safety..I don’t know if any of you deal with this kind of things and I pray you don’t but as for me it’s a reality of my life and my past. I put this in the Lords hands and I try to surrender it over to the Lord and the Holy Spirit. But it does not stop so there must be a reason for this because i know the Lord will help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that he and I together can’t handle..If anyone out there has an idea to help me out i would love to hear about it and talk to you …Praise the Lord.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

I know it’s been awhile since I have wrote so let me give you a quick rundown, My surgery went great it took a lot f pressure of my back but unfortunately I have some nerve damage to my left leg. It hurts but nothing like it did. I’m moving around but sitting is still a chore. I still have 14 staples in my back till the 29th of this month. I want to thank everyone who prayed for my speedy recovery…And those of you who still pray for me. I need all the prayers I can get.

I still struggle every day with my depression and anxiety’s. The free world holds a lot of information and I’m still trying to catch up. I am working on 48 months clean and thank the Lord that I’m ok with that .I do not have the cravings I once did…Praise the Lord. Since my back has been so bad I have missed a lot of my groups and church doings…I hope I can get back to my routine soon I truly miss my Celebrate Recovery and my men’s mountain movers group. Like I said before sitting is still hard and uncomfortable


Two weeks ago I lost one of my true dear friends to an overdose. He lived in Oregon and it hit me really hard…I wrote the eulogy for his funeral and let me tell you it was so hard to think of him gone. His Grandma is sending me some of his ashes so I can always keep him near to me, brother. We traveled and did many things together and he will always be in my prayers and thoughts.


I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year. I know all you out there that have loved ones lost or in some prison that this time of year for you is difficult. But you know the lord has his plans made out, This I know does not lift the pain but I tell you this from experience, being alone in a cell this time of year really gives a person a chance to be closer to the Lord and realize his or her wrong doings…I myself made many decisions some not the greatest I must admit but I did make some powerful life changing positive changes..This time of year is a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and we can celebrate this glorious day from anywhere we are…Of course home with the relatives is the ideal place to be but we must make do with what we have…our body might be bound by chains and fences but our heart and mind run free…


My heart has been weighing heavy lately and thought of all you lost souls out there, I also think and pray daily about all my friends who have returned to prison..It pains me to think about all the evil and peoples old ways coming to the surface. I heard nothing but I’m never going back to prison when I was behind the walls and as I look at the DOC web site I see so many of my friends I did bible studies and friends who I thought that really had a plan and ideas, goals so when they got out they could stay out.

But I know firsthand it’s easier said than done. I have made more bad choices then I care to admit and I know that the only thing that has kept me from violating my parole is the walk I walk with the lord. My mother is the second reason witch comes to this point..I have a church and a great support network of powerful prayer warriors on my side.

I think that these friends of mine who I truly believe that wanted to stay clean and stay out of prison where missing one huge factor in there re-entry..No support group, No friends and family who they could just sit and talk to. I do not expect a lot of parents and others to understand what someone who has spent years behind the walls feel upon release..But for myself I talked and communicated with my mother and pastor and my mentors the feelings of not being able to be in crowds and not being able to voice my feelings.

.See feelings in side prison are dangerous..We cannot show feelings or show weakness..It’s just not possible surrounded by people just looking to pray on the weak..So we hold it in and after so long it becomes habit to not talk and not let our feelings show..Yes it is not right but let me tell you it is the way it goes..And after we come out and people honestly try to help we find it hard. We have spent so many years bottling up our anger, feelings and trying to forget the past. That we truly forget how to trust and interact with others..

I truly believe that’s why so many of us convicts return to prison..We cannot open up and share our thoughts and goals and feelings..Some prisons are worse than others and I have been in maximum security prisons most of my life and let me tell you..I thought one day at a time because I might not live to see the next..I understand this is harsh and it’s hard to comprehend but I’m telling you all this is the way it is…

My point I’m making is if you have a loved one coming out of the system, I feel you must let them move on there on time, please do not hit them with what are you going to do now..Too soon, try to understand that they are fighting for their life day and night, even though they are not behind the walls anymore. I know it might be hard to watch your love one sit in his room but think of it like this, he has been in a cell and its comfortable to be in a small area and have control of his surroundings and let him adjust on his own..Show him your love and understanding but try not to put too much on his plate..That will overload a convict so fast and shut down and us as people want to feel safe and comfortable and we want to know our surroundings and if you try to fast to change his thought pattern..You might have a runner on your hands.

It’s not that we like or want to go back to prison. I hear so much he must like it in there..This is so not true the fact is he is comfortable in that surrounding and the stress of the outside and the responsibilities were too much…please try to understand we need time to adjust and it may be a month or years but know this..We all want to be free from the prison and we want to enjoy life..So he or she will come around but please don’t try to rush it, give it to the Lord and he will work, mold your love one into a new man..Rember the lord’s time is not our time….well that’s my thought for today..God Bless you all.

Alive and walking streight

Good Day All,

I know it been awhile since I have blogged and I’m sorry for that.

I have had so much physical pain from my back…The good news is that I’m scedualed for surgery sometime in November…Thank the Lord…I pray for freedom from this constant pain…

So much has happened in the last few weeks…I had my 39th Birthday and Mom threw me a surprise that swooped me off my feet she pulled it off with me knowing nothing at all…I enjoyed being with my Church family and friends…

As far as myself I’m living and walking straight …

Part #3 of Series.

You need to understand that for your loved one to put you out and force you to fend for yourself is not being done because they hate you—what they hate are your actions and the choices you are making—what they hate is how you’re out-of-control life is taking down everyone around you. I know, I said many times of the choices I was making, “I’m doing this to myself, I’m a grown man, and I can do what I want, when I want.” But hear me now when I say that the choices we make can and do affect our loved ones. I can see now that I hurt my mom in many ways, when I read parts of her book; Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children, it’s sometimes painful to put myself in her shoes and see my life and my choices from her perspective.

It’s not an easy thing to let a person you love destroy their life—to watch addiction and other problems overtake them. If you have a loved one who is pushing you out of their life because it’s time for you to get a taste of the real world with no safety net, I beg you to listen to me. You need to step back and really look at the big picture and look at the pain you have caused your loved ones—and you have to stop it